Analouge Logbook #2
In early January i did a trip to the "LaPaDu" - short for the german name of the regional park of Duisburg. The park is famous for a lot of old industrial architecture and a typical spot for local photographers. On this particular day, the weather was very foggy - so I chose a black and white film to capture the heavily diffused light difference of the fog. I ultimately went with an Ilford HP5 Plus with an ASA/ISO of 400. The film produces a very nice grain thats close to perfect for these high dynamic scenarios.

Area around the "Hochofen 5" inside the LaPaDu
Visit my Lomography Home for more shots from this roll.
I also used the opportunity to try out my newly aquired Canon AE-1 Program and take my first outdoor shots with it. The conditions were far from ideal, but in the end I got some of my favorite shots so far. Development and scanning was done by OnFilmLab in Frankfurt and I am very happy with the results.